Whether you want environmentally friendly labels or a unique design –
Töpfer Kulmbach GmbH is still your top-quality label specialist for 2019!!
Do you want labels from the leading innovator in the field? Then once again, look no further than Töpfer Kulmbach GmbH: we have hit the ground running in 2022 – fuelled by innovation and passion! We have a great deal to do: of course, we want to continue to evolve and to redouble our efforts and build on the good work we have already done on environmental protection and sustainability – because environmentally friendly labels and product packaging are highly rated in 2022.
Further changes are coming up on the global food and beverage market this year. Emerging nations in particular are starting to rethink things, with the ideas of waste prevention and recyclability gaining traction like never before. Labels and packaging that have been sustainably produced and can later be sustainably recycled are becoming more relevant.
Consumer behaviour at home is heading in a new direction too, partly due to changing demographics in our domestic market: people are consuming less beer, but more water, and the younger generation is making completely new demands of the food, beverage and packaging industries. In order to prevail, companies will need to be flexible, whilst always keeping sustainability and environmental issues in mind. Trends for 2022:
- Unusual flavour combinations and unusual designs
- Niche products over mass goods
- A growing awareness of health matters – consumers are setting greater store by healthy ingredients as a result
- A growing awareness of environmental matters – consumers are setting greater store by sustainable products and packaging (e.g. environmentally friendly labels)
Responsible labels: we remain pioneers in the field!
The increased demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly labels clearly shows that our efforts to create product designs responsibly are right on the money and totally worthwhile. When it comes to environmental protection, we want to set a good example for other manufacturers and are working hard to produce a Cradle to Cradle-certified label (C2C). The C2C principle strives to implement a fully reusable material cycle, for example by using compostable labels. It is true that it will only be possible to completely eradicate non-recyclable waste products if everybody in the chain plays their part; but even if not everyone is playing along right now, somebody has to start.
Töpfer Kulmbach GmbH only uses power generated from renewable sources!
Climate protection is another important issue for us – and we are doing our bit here too, by supporting renewable energy. The EMAS has now recognised our efforts in this regard with a 100% renewable energy certificate. By consuming only renewable energy, we expect to save around 609,000 kg of CO2 every year, compared to the standard German electricity mix. We are thrilled with this certification – for us, it signifies another step in the right direction towards making environmentally friendly labels and product designs.